After much labor in the mines, Sultana and Fitz announce The Unbearable Exile of Eldrin Gorst, which introduces us to the hapless villain from Book 1, The Ghouls’ Farmstand, when he was young and foolish and still had a full head of hair. It’s brilliant, and you’re brilliant for reading it!
Eldrin rarely shows up to class . . .
he’d rather pop his eyes out with a spork than study . . .
and his lab partner does all his homework.
But other than that, he’s doing great!
It’s the last week of classes at the Nav, that notorious arcane school for pirates, smugglers, alchemists, saboteurs, and the occasional crooked beekeeper.
Eldrin needs to buckle down and finish his Senior Capstone Project . . . if he wants to grow up, graduate, and take over the Gorst family’s lands and titles.
And if he doesn’t?
Well, there’s always the dungeon with the eels.
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