Dear Reader, it occurred to my sister that some of you have not yet been introduced to Sebastian, who appears in THE GHOULS’ FARMSTAND. Having met him a number of Sultana’s soirées, I can attest that he is exactly like this, only more so. So please, head...
VICTORY At long last, Sultana has allowed the softcover, real-world, on-dead-tree edition of The Ghouls’ Farmstand to come into being. Her constant abuse of the staff, the wildlife adjoining her Writing Hut, and her longsuffering brother notwithstanding, the...
GET MY FREE BOOK NOW! After much labor in the mines, Sultana and Fitz announce The Unbearable Exile of Eldrin Gorst, which introduces us to the hapless villain from Book 1, The Ghouls’ Farmstand, when he was young and foolish and still had a full head of hair....
REPORTER: We’re here on the set of The Ghouls’ Farmstand. Things are heating up with the book’s release coming soon. It’s just final touches now. An apostrophe here, a change of tense there. Oh, look! Here’s one of the authors, Ms....
Dear Reader: My beloved sister, Sultana Dietrich, has sent me a Memo, with Commands (she likes to capitalize things). I didn’t read it, for obvious reasons. But I think Sultana wants me to give you the production schedule for the Ember Years series. It’s impossible,...
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